Changing with the Tides

Changing with the Tides

Hosted by: Alexis Keefer

Changing With The Tides is a series about how having a great support system can help you in life!


Our Latest Episode

  • Changing with the Tides: Having a good support system is the key

    On this week’s episode, Lex explains that whether your troubles are chronic or pop up out of nowhere, having a good support system is something everyone can use. In today’s American culture, there exists a false truth that we must be independent and accepting support is a sign of weakness, but in fact, offering and…

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  • Rolling with the Punches

    We’ve all heard the phrase when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Well, Alexis Keefer, our beloved host of Changing with the Tides, has made gallons of it, and on her show she’s going to explain how she rolls through life with a smile on her face and joy in her heart. Take a look…

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Alexis Keefer