Changing with the Tides

Changing with the Tides

Hosted by: Alexis Keefer

Changing With The Tides is a series about how having a great support system can help you in life!


Our Latest Episode

  • Changing with the Tides: Pope Francis

    Hey guys, it’s a new episode of Changing with the Tides and Lex is chatting about Pope Francis. The Holy Father is a fascinating man with an impressive background, even before he became the Bishop of Rome. He has offered a lot of great life lessons for Catholics and non-Catholics to consider as we all…

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  • Changing with the Tides: What a time

    Welcome back to season five of Changing with the Tides! Lex gives a little bit of insight as to what this season she is going to highlight in each episode a different “Catholic celebrity” – for example different popes and saints. Lex also explains how the season is going to be EXTRA special because she…

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  • Changing with the Tides: Chasity and Generosity

    In today’s episode of CWTT, Lex discusses the sixth and seventh commandments, specifically as they relate to not taking the things you have in life for granted by appreciating all that life has to offer – including your spouse. Life can get really complicated sometimes, but as long as you appreciate the people you share…

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Alexis Keefer